Hey there, I'm Molly.

Photography has always been my passion, but life had other plans. Growing up in Oklahoma, I discovered my love for capturing moments through the lens of a camera at a very young age. In high school, I found myself specializing in senior portraits, thrilled to be a part of such an exciting time in my friends' lives.

Life took me on a journey to South Carolina in 2012. As my husband and I built a life together, my camera collected dust. We worked towards our dream of owning a home, and finally, the keys to our very own place were in our hands in 2017.

The pandemic brought unexpected time off from my job. As I sat at home, I realized that life is too short to let dreams fade away. In March 2020, I took a leap of faith and registered Wanderlust Photography LLC.

I knew I wanted to specialize in something that would bring as much joy to others as it brought to me. That's when I discovered boudoir photography. I immersed myself in learning from the best - Alex Loveland, Michael Sasser, Alannar Marr, and Denise Birdsong. Their guidance was invaluable as I discovered my true calling.

There's a moment, a spark, when a woman sees her boudoir photos for the first time. It's a mix of surprise and empowerment, realizing just how stunning she is. That moment makes all the hard work worth it. It's more than just a photo shoot; it's a celebration of her.

I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to capture this side of women. It's a privilege to be a part of their journey towards self-love and confidence. And it all started with a dream, a camera, and the courage to take a chance.

Some of my favorite published images